My favourite memory here at school is going on all the camps because I like getting out of the house and doing stuff I enjoy. I like that I’m getting to have new experiences, things that I never would have done before. I especially liked the giant rope swing at the Bright camp, which I’d never done before. I was very happy that I did it, even though the harness was a bit painful! In the first 5 seconds when the swing dropped I was full of excitement and adrenaline.
My most hated experience was falling out of the kayak into the water at camp - It was freezing.
I like that you get one on one learning, and in the class, there is someone sitting next to you that helps you with the writing and stuff. You are accepted by everyone, they listen to you and try help you achieve what you need or want.
People understand your personality and accept you for who you are. Hands on learning is great, the teachers mix it around so it’s not as boring so really flexible. We do lessons outside. When we ask for equipment, we are listened to [P A system drums]
A usually disengaged student on camp took the initiative to ask his peers their breakfast request. He proceeded to cook the food for the group. Spontaneously other students joined in and we ended up sharing a communal meal. The opportunity was there for him to lead and mentor the younger students in a safe supported environment that led to a positive social experience for all.
Before I came to EdSpace I was absolutely terrified because my school before didn’t accept me for who I am or understand my disability or learning needs. I felt like there was no help for my sensory needs. I felt so anxious and uncomfortable that I was non-verbal. Now that I’m at EdSpace no one forces me to do things I don’t want. I get supported and encouraged to try new things but not pushed past my limit. I feel like the teachers really know me, I can talk to them and feel very safe and comfortable with them all. Everyone always comes up with different ways to adapt to my learning style. There are lots of options like sensory toys or our sensory nooks. I can take breaks as I need them. There is no judgement of our learning level. There are no expectations of what I already should know so I feel comfortable and not embarrassed to ask for help and try new things. Since I’ve come to EdSpace I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone and tried more new things then I ever have before.
I like that we are using gaming at school because it’s a hobby that I have, as well as others in class too. I wouldn’t play multiplayer at home, but at school we are a playing Mario kart and Mario Party together. I think it’s important because it’s fun and I like to have fun at school. Team games are good cause you learn hand eye coordination and its good to be social.
Reward based motivation was very successful with my child and we have used it ever since. Read more
This story is a passionate tale of how Wheelie Awesome fosters growth for young people with disabilities. Read more